- Brrsf-1581
- Condition: New
- (Exact Size: 6 ft. 0 in. by 9 ft. 0 in.)
- Primary Color: Red
- Secondary Color(s): Blue, Orange, Beige, Green
- Pattern: All-Over
- Design: Afghan
- Style: Tribal
- Weave Type: Hand-Knotted And Soumak
- Material: 100-Percent Wool
- Shape: Rectangular
- Made in: Afghanistan
The Hand-Knotted And Soumak Weave
This technique combines both types of weaving, Hand-Knotted and the Soumak technique. This type of weaving uses the Soumak weave to highlight areas of a piled Hand-Knotted rug, creating a unique sturdy texture.
Do I need To add Rug-pad?
Yes, a Rug-pad can be critical to your rug's performance and appearance, by protecting the back of your rug, from grinding against the floors. Our Rug-pad prevents a rug from slippage, reduces noise and provides extra walking comfort.
Our Rug-pad will not stain your floors, as it is made with natural rubber. All Rug-pads are custom cut 2 inches short from each side, to fit your rug.